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Empowering Young Minds

Dream big, Young Entrepreneurs! Imagine turning your coolest ideas into your very own business.

What if you could sell your amazing lemonade or your unique art to the world?

It's not just for grown-ups! You, too, can be a boss.

Learn how to start with what you love, plan it out, and make it real, step by step.

Hear stories of young Afro American heroes just like you, who've turned their dreams into businesses.

You're never too young to start dreaming big. Let's make your business come to life!

Together, we'll learn, have fun, and maybe even make our first dollar!

Are you ready to be the youngest entrepreneur in town? Let's get started!

Course Title: Money Matters for Kids: Saving and Budgeting Basics

The course is divided into 5 modules, each module is given in a drip format so that every child can learn at his/her own pace. Each module is further broken down into 4 sections, and has up to  30 days to be completed.

An outline of the upcoming Module is added to our website  towards the middle of every month. Purchase of the module is made prior to its access. All sales are final.

Module Price.. CA$97.00 



Module 1

Understanding Money: What is money and why is it important

  • Introducing the concept of money: coins, bills and their values.

  • Discussing the purpose of money in our daily lives.

  • Engaging activities to identify different types of currency.


Money Exchange: Buying and Selling

  • Explaining how people exchange money for goods and services

  • Role playing scenarios of buying and selling items using play money

  • Emphasizing the importance of understanding the value of items before purchasing.


The Value of Saving

  • Introducing the concept of saving money for future needs or wants.

  • Discussing the benefits of saving, such as being prepared for unexpected expenses or achieving long-term goals.

  • Simple activities to illustrate the idea of delayed gratification and its rewards.


Safety and Responsibility
  • Teaching children to be responsible with money and keep it safe.

  • Discussing the importance of not sharing personal financial information.

  • Role-playing situations to practice safe handling of money, such as not leaving it unattended.

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